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Steady as it Goes

As you venture about your life in the pandemic, it is important to know that you are not alone, feeling possibly lost and confused as well as other emotions. In fact, WE all are feeling or have felt this way at some during the pandemic. BREATHE, it will be okay.

So this begs the question-

How do you stay calm during the pandemic? Here are some tips and tricks that may help you:

1) Meditate and/or do breathing exercises

2) Connect with family and friends over the phone; reach out to people - can even be a therapist

3) Take up a new hobby or take on a project

4) Change something in your life- could be big such as acquiring a new house, or small, such as

reorganizing your living space

5) Healthily feed your mind and body- an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but let us add 10

minutes of reading to that phrase

6) Move your body - exercise no matter your skill level has been shown to improve mood, so

don’t be afraid to shake it off!

7) Know that you are not alone - like everything in nature, this too shall pass.

Additionally, we extend our deepest condolences to whoever has lost a loved one or has

experienced the grave effects of the Coronavirus. If you have other tips and tricks that you like to

share pls feel free to leave a comment. All the love from your girls at Soft Soles Inc!

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