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How to Stay Safe this Holiday Season with COVID

As we all know, COVID-19 cases spike around the holidays with the gathering of big groups of people and being in close contact with others. It is important that while you enjoy the holidays with your families to be mindful of how to prevent the spread of infection.

While you travel, be sure to…

1. Wear a mask

2. Keep your distance

3. Minimize contact

While you gather, try to…

1. Be sure everyone has tested negative

2. Encourage those around you to be vaccinated

3. Be courteous of others and what they believe in!

Sometimes it can be difficult to be safe during the times of COVID because many people have different beliefs. Try to do your part by being vaccinated and wearing a mask in times it should be worn.

If you are sick, or may have symptoms related to COVID or other viral infections, get checked out! You don’t want to put your loved ones at risk. At Soft Soles, we value everyone around us. We try to encourage a safe space for everyone to feel protected.

TIPS for staying safe…

1. Wash your hands! If washing your hands is not possible in the moment, using hand sanitizer is a great way to implement ways of preventing the spread of infections.

2. Invest in a well-fitting mask! A mask that covers your nose and mouth, and is well-fitted is a great way to prevent the spread.

3. Get vaccinated! Vaccines have been around for a long time, proving their effectiveness against viral infections such as MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella). The COVID vaccine is safe and effective.

While all these tips are helpful, gathering during the holidays is not always an option for individuals with immunodeficiencies. For those that want to enjoy family time, but can’t because of it may be too harmful, we have tips for you!

1. ZOOM is your best friend! Encourage a fun zoom meet with your family during the holidays to see the lovely faces of your friends and family.

2. Consider the booster shot! It is available for those who need it, and it can enhance your protection against COVID.

3. Consider the number of people you choose to gather with! If it is possible for you to gather with your friends and family, then choose the people you really want to spend time with.

This holiday season, be courteous and be safe. Have a great time with your families while being careful! As always, all the love from your girls at Soft Soles Inc!

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