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Types of Health Care Workers

It can be a nerve racking experience graduating at a mere age of twenty-two and being thrown into the medical field as a brand new health care worker. This blog will help to suggest the different types of health care workers and how each one contributes to society. We will discuss three different health care workers below:

  1. Phlebotomist

  2. Dental Assistant

  3. Nurse Practitioner

A phlebotomist draws the blood of patients for a variety of reasons, including: blood tests or donations of blood. A phlebotomist’s job is highly important because they are specifically trained to be good “blood suckers”, meaning they are highly qualified to stick patients with needles and obtain their blood with minimal pain. It is important to have a great person to draw patients blood as it contributes to the patient's overall satisfaction and trustiness.

A dental assistant is in the realm of oral care; however, it is still imperative for the overall health of society. A dental assistant is fairly straightforward as they assist the dentist with oral evaluations and care for each patient. They assist with dental treatment and are a great health care worker to have so society has adequate oral care.

A Nurse practitioner is a highly coveted nurse title that can do almost anything as someone who holds the title of “Dr.”. A nurse practitioner is an extremely educated nurse that holds an advanced degree and they can order and intercept diagnostic tests, as well as diagnose diseases and prescribe treatments. They contribute greatly to society by being available for all patients and who can perform what a doctor can do. It is slightly easier to become a Nurse Practitioner versus a Doctor due to the less schooling required.

All of these job positions within health care and all the additional professions within health care that were not specifically mentioned are important and vital to continued societal health and satisfaction. No matter the profession within health care you decide to become, just know that you will be a valued contributor to society and will make an impact on everyday patients.

As always, all the love from your girls at Soft Soles Inc!

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